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30 oct. 2019
ver.6.1.2 for iPad/iPhone/iPod touch (Released 30/Oct/2019)

ibisPaint/ibisPaint X ver.6.1.2 for iPad/iPhone/iPod touch are now available.

 [New Features]

  • Added many filters (Lens Blur, Hexagonal Pixelate, Square Pixelate, Triangular Pixelate, Ripple, Twirl and Fisheye Lens).


  • Modified that the brush thickness does not change according to the canvas size. Added "Brush Thickness Depends on Canvas" switch in the Settings window. It is also possible to change the thickness depending on the canvas size.
  • The strokes of "Felt Tip Pen (Soft)" and "Dip Pen (Soft)" were lighted, so they were corrected to dark. Added "Add Opacity" switch. If this is turned off, a lighted state is also possible. If you turn off "Add Opacity" when using an eraser, it will erase weakly.
  • Changed to a specification that determines the stroke when the Opacity Lock is switched when using the Bezier Curve Drawing tool and the Polyline Drawing tool.
  • Removed "Uniform Eraser (Overlay)" and "Uniform Eraser (Saturation)" from the Basic brushes in the Brush Tool. If it has added to the Custom brushes in the Brush Tool, the Custom brushes side remains.
  • Added "Uniform Eraser (Overlay)" and "Uniform Eraser (Saturation)" to the Basic brushes in the Eraser Tool.
  • Added "Genius Pen" and "Stylish Marker" to the Basic brushes in the Brush tools (Brush, Eraser, Smudge and Blur).
  • Now the Text tool and Frame Divider tool show the Text/Frame at the foreground while you are moving or rotating them.
  • Now the labels of the names of News or Ranking has two rows.
  • Changed the formula of the "Invert" blending mode in case that the source pixel is completely transparent.
  • Removed the "Would you like to reset the state of the Filter?" alert shown in the Filter tool if you tap the reset button. Now the parameters are reset without confirmation.hanged the initial value of the "Hue" parameter in the "Hue Saturation Lightness" filter from 30° to 0°.
  • Changed the initial value of the "Hue" parameter in the "Hue Saturation Lightness" filter from 30° to 0°.
  • Changed the initial value of the "Red" parameter in the "Color Balance" filter from 25% to 0%.
  • Added the Hue slider, Saturation slider and Brightness slider in the Color Picker window.
  • Changed the position of messages shown at the top of the display so that it does not hide the upper buttons such as Undo/Redo.
  • Added a function to configure whether or not messages are shown at the top of the display when you undo or redo. You can configure it by the "Show Message on Undo" switch in the Settings window.
  • Added the cancel button on the alert which is shown after you tap the Brush Unlock button or after you use a locked brush. Additionally, now the app automatically select some brush which is not locked after you use a locked brush and cancelled the alert so that you will be able to draw a line in the next stroke.
  • Changed the name of the "Extract Drawing after Importing" switch in the Settings window to "Extract Drawing after Import".
  • Changed the color of the scroll bar in the Brush window of the Eraser tool to white.
  • Added the "Pixelate" filter category.
  • Added the ordering of filters in the "Transform" filter category.
  • Added a function to configure whether or not the Filter tool saves parameters when you use a filter and restores it when you use the filter in the next time. You can configure it by the "Save Filter Parameters" switch in the Brush window.
  • Increased the height of layer rows in the Layer window when your device is landscape so that the opacity of layers will be shown if the value of the "Layer Row Height" is default.
  • Added the close button in the Settings window on tablet devices with a small display so that you can easily close the Settings window.
  • Changed the position of the Brush Unlock button in the Brush window to left so that it does not hide the ">" button.
  • Removed a restriction of the height of the Canvas Size Selection window in tablet devices so that it reaches to the bottom of the display.

 [Fixed Bugs and Problems]

  • Fixed a bug that the Smudge / Blur tool in the artwork before ver.5.6.1 was played incorrectly.
  • Fixed a bug that the opacity was reduced to about one third when drawing with one tap with the "Decrease Opacity" OFF when the Eraser, Smudge, or Blur tools.
  • Fixed a bug that the drawing disappears when switching the Opacity Lock of the layer when using a brush with "Separate Each Stroke" OFF (for example, "Watercolor (Edge)").
  • Fixed a bug when "Separate Each Stroke" is OFF and the Opacity Lock is ON, the layer preview on the Layer window is displayed as the Opacity Lock OFF even though the Opacity Lock is ON.
  • Fixed a bug that a white color is mixed significantly when the Smudge tool when the Opacity Lock is ON.
  • Fixed a bug that a white color is mixed slightly when the Smudge tool even when the Opacity Lock is OFF.
  • Fixed a bug that a white color is mixed slightly when the Blur tool when the Opacity Lock is OFF.
  • Fixed a bug that the Blur tool calculation is not correct when the Opacity Lock is ON.
  • Fixed a bug that a white color is mixed slightly when a one tap by the Smudge tool when the Opacity Lock is OFF.
  • Fixed a bug that a calculation of a one tap by the Smudge tool is not correct when the Opacity Lock is ON.
  • Fixed a bug that when artwork is replaying, the pattern overlap order sometimes changed when using the "Mirror", "Kaleidoscope", or "Rotation" Ruler and drawing by the "Line", "Rectangle", "Polygon", or "Polyline" Drawing tool with a brush that has a drawing order relationship, such as "One Stroke Dragon".
  • Fixed a bug that "Separate Each Stroke" OFF brush drawing looks abnormal when the layer Blending mode is not "Normal", using the canvas tool, or immediately after closing any alert.
  • When the "Opacity of Start" is as low as 1%, it was drawn with a darkness that could not be seen with one tap, but when it was one tap, it was drawn with a visible darkness.
  • Corrected the drawing because it was not visible when drawing with one tap with an eraser with low "Pattern Opacity" (eg "Felt Tip Pen (Soft)", etc.).
  • Fixed a bug that a square shape was erased when selecting a color image with the "Brush Pattern" with the Eraser tool.
  • Fixed a bug that a black color is mixed to the preview when selecting a color image with the "Brush Pattern" with the Smudge / Blur tool.
  • Fixed a bug that when drawing with one tap with the Brush or Eraser tool, in replaying, it was not drawn or drawn with a different darkness.
  • Fixed a bug where the Brush tool ignores the selection area when the blending mode of the brush is "Opacity" or "Eraser".
  • Fixed a bug where the Brush tool ignores the alpha lock of the current layer when the blending mode of the brush is "Opacity" and the brush type is one of "Mono", "Double" and "Color".
  • Fixed a bug where the result of the Smudge tool sometimes contains gray colors unexpectedly when you use it immediately after you used the Brush tool or "Merge Layer Down".
  • Fixed a bug where the "Expansion" feature of the Magic Wand tool does not work properly when it is in the "Subtract" mode.
  • Fixed a bug where Texts and Frames that are newly added are not shown on artworks created on an app with version older than 4.2.0.
  • Fixed a bug where the app crashes if it tries to transit to another screen at the same time it tries to open some screens such as Browsers.
  • Fixed a bug where the automatic restoration for an artwork file fails if it is created in an app with version older than 4.2.0 and the "Save Selection Area" is off.
  • Fixed a bug where the tap of the button on the Main toolbar is sometimes unintentionally handled as a tap of the Canvas on tablet devices.
  • Fixed a bug where the app crashes in the My Gallery screen if you cancel moving an artwork file to somewhere and try to move another artwork while the first one is going back to the original position.
  • Changed the range of the "Phase" of the Wave filter to 0-360°.
  • Fixed a bug that "Separate Each Stroke" OFF brush drawing looks abnormal when you touch the home indicator and release it immediately, select an app from the app list, or display the notification area and restore it.
  • Fixed a bug where the app goes back to the Title screen if you suspend the app and resume it after a while on iOS/iPadOS13 devices.
  • Fixed a bug where you cannot register your Youtube channel in the Settings window on iOS/iPadOS13.
  • Fixed a bug on iOS 13 where the app imports a png image file with transparency as an opaque image with white background if the size of the image is relatively small.
  • Fixed a bug where the app sometimes crashes when you suspend and resume the app while an alert shown after you moved the an artwork file in the My Gallery screen is displayed.
  • Fixed a bug where erasers such as Airbrush, Pen (Fade), etc work in the way of brushes instead of that of erasers after the app has been updated to ver.6.1.0 from older versions.
  • Fixed a bug where Uniform Eraser (Ovelay) and Uniform Eraser (Saturation) are broken after the app has been updated to ver.6.1.0 from older versions.
  • Fixed a bug where brush lines (or eraser lines) drawn with "Separate Each Stroke" OFF become wrong when you touch the display with two fingers under some situations.
  • Fixed a bug where the Reset button in the Brush window does not reset the state of the "Separate Each Stroke".
  • Fixed a bug where drawing lines by some brush with "Separate Each Stroke" OFF and by some eraser with "Separate Each Stroke" OFF alternately breaks the content of the canvas.
  • Fixed a bug where changing the opacity while using some eraser with "Separate Each Stroke" OFF changes not only the opacity of the Eraser tool but also that of the Brush tool.
  • Fixed a bug where launching and canceling the Filter tool after drawing lines with some brush whose "Separate Each Stroke" is OFF and blending mode is something other than "Normal" breaks the content of the canvas.
  • Fixed a bug where launching and canceling the Filter tool after drawing lines with some eraser whose "Separate Each Stroke" is OFF breaks the content of the canvas.
  • Fixed a bug where the app freezes if you close some windows (such that image pickers or CLIP uploading screen) by swiping down in iOS/iPadOS 13.