This filter creates cloud-like effects (In other applications, it is sometimes called Perlin noise filter.). ※This is a premium feature.
You can create many things with the cloud effects. This time we will be making a starry sky.
Create an appropriately sized canvas, open the ① Tool Selection window, and select the ② Filter.
Tap ①Clouds .
Tap ①Gradation . Scroll down the existing gradation and tap ②Metal (Black) .
You can fill the canvas with tiny stars by maxing out ① Rough, Brightness, and Contrast. Once you're done, tap the ②✓ button to return to the canvas.
Open the ① Layer window, select the created star layer, and tap on ② Move Layer.
If the star is too sharp, it will look unnatural. Turn on the ① Rotate button and use ②two fingers to zoom to enlarge it slightly. When you're done, return to the canvas with the ③✓ button.
Open the layer window, select the star layer, and choose the ① Duplicate Layer.
Set the blend mode to the ① Screen.
Keep the duplicated layer selected, move the layer to enlarge and offset the stars so that the they look more natural.
Merge it with the previous star layer with the ① Merge Layer Down.
We will now color the stars. Open the Tool Selection window, select the Filter, and then select the ① Hue Saturation Lightness.
Add color by ① adjusting the sliders. Tap the ② OK button once you are finished.
Let's make a galaxy. Tap Layer window and add ①New Layer above the star layer. Set the blend mode to the ② Screen.
Open the tool selection window, select the Clouds in the Filter tool, scroll down and create a gradation like ① in the image.
Tap the knob two times to change its color. You can add color by tapping the place where there is no knob. When the gradation is created, tap the ②✓ button.
Open the layer window and lower the ① Layer Opacity.
Create a ① new layer on top and set the blend mode to ② Color Dodge.
Tap Clouds from the Filter tool and create a gradation like ① . Once the gradation is created, adjust the roughness, brightness, contrast, etc. as you like.
Now you're finished. You can do various things by applying cloud patterns.