This allows you to enlarge people's eyes in pictures or characters' eyes on illustrations.
Tap on ① + in My Gallery.
From ① Import Picture, select an image to edit from the photo library.
When asked, "Would you like to extract line drawing? ", tap ① Cancel.
When the picture is in place, open the ① Tool Selection window, and select the ② Filter.
Tap ①Expansion .
Move the ① Ignition Point to the pupil one by one. Adjust ②Expansion and Radius , and return to the canvas with ③✓ button .
Bright up the entire image. Tap ①Tool Selection window and tap ②Filter .
Tap ①Brightness & Contrast .
Drag the ①Slider to adjust the Brightness and Contrast. When finished, return to the canvas with ②✓ button.
Now you're finished.
Photo courtesy: