The Color Range feature in the Selection Area tool can create a selection area from a specified gamut of colors. For example, you can easily change a specific part of an image or a photographic material into a different color. In this example, the picture of a red rose will change to a blue rose.
Open the ①Selection Area window and select ②Color Range.
Turn ON ①Show Selection.
Add ①Reference Points. You can place up to five reference points. The more reference points you place, the more accurate the created selection area will be.
Adjust the location of reference points so that the entire flower petals are selected. Specify the Fuzziness and the Range as you like, and tap on ②✓.
Only the flower petal parts are selected.
Open the ①Tool Select window and select ②Filter.
Tap on the ①Adjust Color and select ②Hue/Saturation/Lighttness.
Adjust the ①Hue so that the flower petals become blue, then tap on ②✓.