With Apple Pencil, stylus pens, and various pen tablets that support the hover function, the "thickness mark" and "cross mark" can be displayed when the stylus pen is hovered.
Displaying the "thickness mark" or "cross mark" is useful because it allows you to know the exact position to apply the stylus tip before drawing and the current brush thickness.
In this example, both "thickness marks" and "cross marks" are displayed during hover of the Apple Pencil.
Tap ①[ Back ] and select ②[ Settings ].
The "Settings Window" will open. Turn on both ③[ Show Thickness Mark while Hovering ] and ④[ Show Cross Mark while Hovering ].
③[ Show Thickness Mark while Hovering ] … When turned on, a "thickness mark" is displayed at the position of the pen nib on the screen to indicate the thickness of the brush or eraser. If you change the size of the brush or eraser, the size of the "thickness mark" will change accordingly.
④[ Show Cross Mark while Hovering ] … When turned on, the position of the pen tip on the screen is displayed as a "cross mark".
When the Apple Pencil is hovered on the screen, both the "thickness mark" and the "cross mark" appear at the nib position.
The "thickness mark" and "cross mark" can be displayed separately.
A … Display only the thickness mark
B … Display only cross marks
C … Display both thickness marks and cross marks
The "Settings Window" can also be opened from the home screen under ⑤[ Settings ].